入门级儿童马来文课程 Level 4 (2024)
Level 5 ( 2025)
- 不会学到会,如无进展,免费重新上课
老师:Cikgu June
时间:每个星期六 11:30AM-12:30PM
Dec 2024 : 7,14,21 (3堂课)
Jan 2025 : 11,18 (2堂课)
Feb 2025 : 8,15,22 (3堂课)
- 9 - 11 岁的孩子
- 想要掌握好马来文,增加学习机会
- Homeschool, 私立学校或国际学校生
- 有打算日后考 IGCSE Malay as Foreign/Second Language 的学生
- 6 个主题课
- 每个主题2堂课
- 学习内容包括 “Kosa Kata” (词汇), “Ejaan” (听写),”Dialog” (会话),”Pemahaman” (理解) & “Tatabahasa” (语法), “Penulisan(写作)”
- 此课程宗旨为培养学生有效使用马来文进行交流的能力
- 课程内容吸引学生深入了解马来西亚的文化
- 老师亲自研发的教学材料和作业帮助学生巩固他们在课堂上学到的知识
Cikgu June 老师简介
- 全职马来文专科老师,17 年教学经验
- 熟悉 UASA, SPM, UEC 统考, IGCSE Malay
- SPM BM Seminar 讲师
- HRD Corp TTT 认证导师
- 首位参与 Volunteer Bali 的大马籍义教老师
- 培育超过 500 名 BM 拿 A 的学生
- 能够用马来语、英语和华语进行沟通
- 热衷于帮助学生发挥他们的学习潜能
- 主打 ”主题式“ 教学法 (Thematic Learning),引导学生把马来文运用在日常生活上
- 在课堂上以实际例子进行讲解,帮助学生将话题与生活经历联系起来
除了课程作业(worksheet),会用quiz, 歌曲,短视频和游戏增加学生的学习兴
- 能够用马来语、英语和华语进行沟通- 主打 ”主题式“ 教学法 (Thematic Learning)
- Edu-tainment方法代入网课里,学习BM学上瘾
- 用新闻和viral clip做例子,学生更加明白BM词汇和短句
- 提供课后备考试卷和笔记,针对性帮助学生复习
国文 Bahasa Malaysia Level 4 (2024) / Level 5 ( 2025)
- FREE repeat online classes for another semester if no progress.
Tutor: Cikgu June
Class time: Every Saturday 11:30AM-12:30PM
Small class size: 4-12 students per class
Target students:
- 9 - 11 years old kid
- Aim to learn Malay as an additional language and have more exposure to the language
- Homeschool, private school and international school student
- Prepare to take IGCSE Malay as Foreign/Second Language paper in high school
Course consists of
- 6 thematic worksheets
- Each theme = 2 lessons
- Including the learning of “Kosa Kata” (vocabulary), “Ejaan” (Spelling),”Dialog” (conversation),”Pemahaman” (Comprehension) & “Tatabahasa” (Grammar)
- Course is made to develop an ability to use the language effectively for practical communication
- The content offers insights into the culture and civilisation of Malaysia
- Worksheet is self written and designed by Cikgu June to help students consolidate and practice the knowledge in class
Cikgu June
“As a non-Malay native speaker, the path to mastering Bahasa Malaysia allows me to understand the struggles of students, so I can provide effective methods to overcome the problems they encounter during the journey.
As a teacher, my mission is to help students find the right way in learning language.
I hope students can learn from their mistakes and not being afraid of making mistakes."
- Bahasa Malaysia specialist tutor with 13 years teaching experiences
- Able to communicate well in Malay, English and Mandarin
- Passionate about helping every student to achieve their highest potential
- Focus on “Thematic learning style” , guiding students to start using Malay language in daily life
- Use real life example to make explanation in class to help students make connection of their topic to life experiences
Stimulate student’s study interests with fun quiz, video clips and flash cards besides worksheet
每一次现场直播教学课程的视频都会录制下来,缺席的学生和想温习的学生都可以看重播温习,加深记忆力。录制的视频💯% 跟直播一样。所以,如果上课当天孩子有事不能参与,都不会错过课程,一样可以看重播学习。
我们的直播补习班让你家孩子安心在家健康学习,💯%安全。你还可以在家监督孩子的学习态度,清清楚楚👀知道孩子在学什么,有空时还可以坐住一起👩👧👩👦上课。Haha, 与孩子一起当学生,学习新知识,促进彼此亲子关系。